How Alviss AI’s Bayesian Approach Enhances Marketing Mix Modeling Accuracy

Mastering MMM Series
Marketing Mix Modeling
Bayesian MMM
probabilistic modeling
Alviss AI Bayesian approach
MMM accuracy.

Michael Green


October 7, 2024

Image from Freepik


If you’ve worked in marketing long enough, you’ve probably heard that Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) is half science, half art. Traditional MMM can help companies make smarter choices about where to spend their budgets, but it’s not exactly foolproof. The more complex the data, the harder it gets to understand what’s actually driving results. Most models try to fit a lot of moving parts into one framework, and that leads to all kinds of uncertainty. And if you’re working with a lot of uncertainty, you’re bound to get hit with surprises—some good, but often, expensive.

At Alviss AI, we take a different approach. Instead of just trying to squeeze every factor into a single predictive model, we use something called Bayesian modeling. And this isn’t just a fancy statistical trick. Bayesian modeling lets us embrace uncertainty rather than ignore it. By doing so, we get more accurate insights, which are exactly what marketing teams need to avoid guesswork and start making decisions based on what’s most likely to be true.

Embracing Uncertainty

The way most traditional MMM models work is that they take a bunch of data from different marketing channels and fit them into a single equation. Then, the model says something like, “Based on this data, we estimate that TV drives 20% of your sales, digital drives 40%, and so on.” But let’s be honest—no one is ever 100% sure of those numbers. And what if a new data source or a competitor’s unexpected move shakes up the whole market? Traditional models don’t adapt well to that. They get locked into their initial assumptions, and you’re left guessing how reliable the numbers are.

Bayesian models are different. Instead of just making a single guess about how much impact each marketing channel has, Bayesian models give us a range of possible answers and the probability of each. This gives marketing teams a clearer picture of what’s likely and what’s not, so they can make decisions with confidence, even when the landscape changes.

Why Probabilities Matter

Here’s where Bayesian modeling shines. Let’s say you’re launching a big campaign and want to know how much to invest in different channels. With a Bayesian model, you don’t just get a hard number saying, “spend $500K on digital.” Instead, you get a range that says something like, “if you spend between $400K and $600K on digital, there’s a 90% chance of hitting your target.” Now you have something you can work with, something that reflects the real-world uncertainty of marketing.

In traditional models, there’s usually just one set of answers: “Digital has a 40% impact, TV has a 20% impact,” and so on. But in the real world, things are messier. Channels influence each other, customer behavior shifts, and data isn’t always precise. A Bayesian approach accounts for all this. It doesn’t just assume that digital will always have the same impact or that TV spending will produce predictable results. Instead, it shows you the most likely outcomes based on the data you have—and keeps those probabilities updated as new data comes in.

Better Decisions, Better Outcomes

So why does any of this matter? Because when you’re working with better insights, you make better decisions. Marketing budgets are rarely flexible, and every dollar counts. With a Bayesian model, you’re not just placing your bets on a single number or relying on past data to predict the future. You’re looking at the probabilities, weighing the risks, and making decisions that are based on what’s most likely to work now, not last year.

At Alviss AI, we’ve built Bayesian models that are flexible and transparent. That means our clients can see exactly where the model is less certain and where it’s rock solid. It’s like having a compass that doesn’t just point north but also tells you if there’s a storm ahead. Instead of following an outdated map, you’re getting directions in real time, adapting to changes as they happen.

The Value of Transparency

There’s another benefit to Bayesian modeling that often goes unnoticed: transparency. Because Bayesian models offer a range of possible outcomes, they’re inherently more open about where the data is strong and where it’s shaky. Traditional models tend to hide these uncertainties, presenting a single answer as if it were gospel. But in marketing, there’s rarely a single “right” answer. Every market is a mix of shifting trends, customer behaviors, and unpredictable competitors.

With Alviss AI, we wanted to create a model that shows its work. If there’s high uncertainty around a specific channel’s impact, you’ll know about it. If the data points to a likely outcome, you’ll see that too. This transparency gives teams confidence in their decisions, knowing that they’re not just guessing. They’re working with a model that’s honest about its limitations and clear about its strengths.

Building a Smarter MMM

Using Bayesian modeling doesn’t just make Marketing Mix Modeling more accurate; it makes it smarter. The world of marketing is fast, and the smartest decisions come from understanding probabilities, not just hard predictions. With Alviss AI, we’re giving marketing teams the tools to see what’s most likely, what’s possible, and what’s risky.

When you have a model that accounts for uncertainty, you’re no longer working in the dark. You’re working with something that respects the reality of marketing—that every decision has some risk, but with the right insights, you can make that risk work in your favor. That’s the kind of clarity that lets you invest confidently and get results that matter.

This post is part of a 6 part series called “Mastering Marketing Effectiveness with In-Housed MMM”. The posts are outlined below.