Solving Cookieless Attribution in 2025: The Power of Scalable Regional MMMs

Regional MMM

Michael Green


September 8, 2024

An illustration of cookies!

The digital marketing landscape has undergone dramatic changes in recent years. Privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, alongside browser restrictions on third-party cookies, have fundamentally shifted how brands measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. As we are moving towards 2025, the era of cookieless attribution has arrived, forcing marketers to seek alternative approaches to track performance. Enter Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM), and more specifically, scalable regional MMMs. This new kid on the block is a solution that not only meets the needs of modern marketing attribution but also thrives in this new environment.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why traditional attribution models are no longer viable, how MMM can bridge the gap, and how our platform, Alviss AI, leverages cutting-edge technology to refit models daily at scale to deliver high-quality insights that help you optimize your marketing spend.

The Demise of Cookies: A Brief Overview

Cookies have been a cornerstone of digital marketing attribution for more than two decades. With the ability to track users’ behavior across the web, cookies enabled advertisers to follow the customer journey in granular detail, assigning credit to various touchpoints. However, with growing concerns around privacy, companies like Apple and Google have either limited or are in the process of phasing out cookie-based tracking.

This shift has left marketers in a lurch, as many rely on third-party cookies to determine which channels and tactics drive conversions. Without cookies, the need for a privacy-compliant and robust attribution solution is more urgent than ever.

Enter Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM)

Marketing Mix Modeling offers a cookieless alternative that is based on statistical analysis of how various marketing activities (both online and offline) impact sales over time. Unlike multi-touch attribution (MTA), which depends heavily on user-level data, MMM uses aggregated data, such as media spend, to infer the contribution of each channel.

MMM doesn’t require individual-level tracking, making it naturally compliant with evolving privacy regulations. More importantly, it works across all channels, including those that never relied on cookies (e.g., TV, radio, print), providing a holistic view of marketing performance.

Why Scalable Regional MMM is the Future of Attribution

While MMM is an attractive option, implementing it effectively at scale presents its own challenges. National-level MMMs are common, but they fail to account for regional variations in marketing effectiveness. For instance, a campaign that performs well in one city may underperform in another due to local market dynamics, cultural differences, or regional competition.

To solve this, regional MMMs break down the analysis into smaller geographic areas. This level of granularity allows marketers to:

  • Identify hyper-local trends that national models might miss.
  • Optimize spend at a regional or even city level.
  • Customize messaging and channel strategies based on local audience behavior.

But here’s the catch: building regional MMMs requires massive amounts of data and the ability to run models at scale, frequently refitting them to account for new data. Traditional MMM approaches often involve long time lags between model updates, making it difficult to adapt quickly in a fast-changing marketing landscape.

This is where Alviss AI stands out.

Daily Refit Capabilities with Alviss AI

MMM is a powerful tool, but it’s only as good as the data and assumptions that go into it. To stay relevant in today’s dynamic markets, MMMs must be updated frequently — ideally on a daily basis. At Alviss AI, we’ve built our platform to enable just that: daily refitting of regional MMMs at scale. This ensures that your models are always up-to-date, providing you with the most accurate, real-time insights.

Here’s how Alviss AI makes cookieless attribution scalable and actionable:

  1. Automated Data Integration: Our platform can seamlessly ingest data from a variety of sources, including digital ad platforms, CRM systems, and offline marketing data. By automatically gathering and cleaning your data, we make sure that your models are always working with fresh, reliable information.

  2. Scalable Infrastructure: We leverage cloud-based infrastructure to run hundreds, even thousands, of regional models simultaneously. Whether you’re a global brand or a local business, Alviss AI ensures that every region is treated uniquely, accounting for local variations in consumer behavior and media effectiveness.

  3. Daily Refit and Optimization: One of the core features of Alviss AI is the ability to refit models every day. This is critical in today’s fast-paced marketing environment, where campaign performance can shift overnight. By updating models with the latest data, you’ll always have a clear picture of how each channel is performing and where to allocate your budget.

  4. Actionable Insights: Our platform doesn’t just produce models; it provides clear, actionable insights tailored to each region. This means that marketers can quickly pivot strategies based on up-to-date data, whether that means adjusting media spend, shifting messaging, or reallocating resources between regions.

Why Marketers Should Care

In a cookieless world, the need for an effective attribution solution is undeniable. Relying on outdated, cookie-dependent methods is not just a risk, it’s a missed opportunity. With Alviss AI, marketers can break free from the limitations of cookie-based tracking and gain a more comprehensive, actionable understanding of their campaigns.

By using scalable regional MMMs that are refitted daily, you can:

  • Improve ROI: Optimize your marketing spend by focusing on regions and channels that drive the most value.
  • Stay Agile: With daily updates, you can adjust your strategy in real-time, responding to new market dynamics as they happen.
  • Enhance Customer Understanding: Regional insights give you a deeper understanding of your customers, allowing for more personalized and relevant marketing.

Try Alviss AI Today

As we move further into the cookieless future, marketers need to adopt solutions that are both scalable and privacy-compliant. Alviss AI offers a powerful platform that combines the strengths of regional MMMs with cutting-edge technology to deliver real-time, actionable insights.

Ready to take control of your marketing attribution in a cookieless world? Sign up for a free trial of Alviss AI today and discover how our daily refitting capabilities can revolutionize your marketing strategy.

With Alviss AI, the future of cookieless attribution is here. Now, the only question is: will you be ready?